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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Once in a Lifetime

I’ve been preparing for today since I was 13 years old. She would look into my eyes and know that this was number 2 on my list. I could hear her screaming "more, more, Mr. Gator" as her head bumped up against the elevator door.

Believe me if I had $100k for every time I’ve been stuck in an elevator with a troll I could retire. But today was the day, I initially was just thrilled to be on the elevator with this super hot babe but then there was a jolt, the elevator wasn’t moving.

“Oh my, the elevator seems to be stuck,” I said. Now look into my eyes you mad crazy woman this elevator’s gonna be rockin. Maybe my glasses were making it difficult for her to understand so I took them off and gave her my look again. She looked back with an understanding stare but then the elevator lurched upward and the door opened.

I was pretty much worthless for the entire day but then my buddy comforted me by reminding me that I was pretty much worthless every day. There is a silver lining though at least now I can put a face with the dream.


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