Credit Card Comparisons - Choosing The Best Deal
Many of us will be looking to either transfer our current credit card debt or apply for a new credit card with more benefits or lower interest rate. Is best for you can seem a little daunting
What follows are some useful tips and advice that hopefully will help your decision making a little easier and clearer. The interest rate on your card becomes irrelevant as you won't have to pay it. Interest-free offers these cards are particularly useful for those don't clear their balance each month. So choose one that is appropriate to your needs i.e. whether you intend to use the card mainly for purchases or a balance transfer.Special offers - one way to save money on your card debt is to take advantage of the many debt-transfer offers available from most banks. These offers are usually exclusive to new customers and allow you to pay off your debt from a more expensive card at a lower rate for a limited period. It is best left as a last resort as. You will pay for the privilege through a steep interest rate. The card company are liable (as is the seller of said goods or services) if there is a breach of contract. This is especially handy if the goods either arrive faulty/damaged or don't arrive at all due to the supplier. If any of these scenarios were to arise. You should have the money spent redeemed to your credit card.
Charges - Most cards will levy a charge against you if you fail to pay your monthly repayment on time. You will also incur a charge if you go over your set credit limit. Setting up a direct debit to make your monthly payment will eliminate the possibility of being late with your monthly payment and thus avoid that nasty charge. If you know in advance you will be unable to clear the balance in the short term.